An extra special sales person for your tourist products in the European Union
A travel professional at your service, 1, 2, or 3 days per month to :
- visit travel agencies in the European Union's cities, to tell them about your products (Paris, Brussels, Madrid or less known areas....).
Scope of application: give support to a commercial agent at his/her post, one-off replacement of an unavailable commercial agent, boosting operations, reconciliation, isolated agencies...
- visit companies (especially for Travel Planners, Marketing Directors, relation, staff... possibly Works Councils ...) aiming in pulling off contracts -.
Contact : Patricia WIGGS : ecib@ecib.com
List of European travel agency, companies' travel departements in the European Union
List of European travel agencies :
1- You have to select which European Union countries you want a list of travel agencies from France, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Sweeden, Germany and communicate to us your choice(s).
2- We send you how many travel agencies there are and the cost per list.
Each file contains: The name of the travel agency; E-mail address; Fax and phone numbers; postal address.
Contact: Patricia WIGGS : ecib@ecib.com
Companies ' travel departments :
- The files are of professional quality, and up-to-date
The contact persons mentioned in the files are all carefully selected
Each file contains: The name of the company; name of the contact person; E-mail address; Fax and phone numbers; postal address.
- You are already in touch with decision-makers
- The prospecting is already over
- You enter directly into the negotiation phase
Each file contact will be alerted to the fact that he/she can be contacted by you.
For each European country, ECIB will proposes :
a list file of Companies' travel departments :
—› for 600 Euros
(20 contacts minimum)
Contact: Patricia WIGGS: ecib@ecib.com
Market reports per touristic settings
We can provide a market survey of your touristics settings,
your region, your country, and/or your industrial site(s) towards Europeans
- We can provide you the answers for the questions that follow:
What are the Europeans interested in by your setting ?
What kind of actions you have to do to incite Europeans to visit your setting ?
Cost will depend on the type of data required, estimates without obligation.
Contact: Patricia WIGGS: ecib@ecib.com
List of incoming travel agencies, hotels, touristics and industrial settings abroad
Step 1:
You have to communicate to us
What kind of list you need (incoming travel agencies, hotels, touristics and industrial settings abroad)
For what country (ies)
You have to pay 100 Euros registration fees per choosen country
Step 2:
We present to you a resume or characteristics of incoming travel agencies, hotels, touristic and industrial settings abroad (without identifying them).
Step 3:
- You chose the resume or characteristics that fit your needs.
- You pay 50 Euros per incoming travel agency, hotel, touristic or industrial setting's identification.
Step 4:
We send to you the identities chosen.
Step 5:
You negociate directly with the contacts we send to you.
Contact: Patricia WIGGS: ecib@ecib.com
The best web sites of Export and Trade Promotion Organizations from all over the world. |
For obtaining the first four digits of your product identification code ( customs ) |
Bodyguard for your protection all over the world
- "High Security" " for Business Men
The international business often imposes on managers and their assistants frequent travels to different parts of the globe to visit their customers in the European Union . Hence, the importance of entrusting the safety of those persons to the close professionals.
Well established in the field of security and based one on 15 years of experience. Our partner insures for the Businessmen in the European Union and in the world :
Following and close protection 24 h a day
Hotel and restaurant
Car driving
Events ...to insure all the needs of the businessman
To provide a professional job their agents are strictly selected on the base of their past experience ( military , police, ect... ) specially trained to provide maximum security for the businessman. Futhermore they garantee the professional secret for its client as well as the information given during and after the missions .
They also provide :
- Building security
Urgent security ( interventions )
Escort and firearms driving ( cars, armored cars, motorbike )
Transport of valuables all around the world
Contact Marc Wilson ecib@ecib.com
You need an accurate, urgent translation
You need documents on letters translated with respect to the culture and particularities of the country.
Please send us the document in question and mention which language you want it translated into, to
ecib@ecib.com (Marc Wilson), we will send you a quote.
Country-wise economic information dossiers
country-wise economic data
- Data files for different countries provide a wealth of economic information on the country
Data files for different countries will help you position yourself regarding an pending action, based on the country's potential.
Some of the aspects which can be covered for each country:
- Economy - Key figures
Key indicators
Public finance
Banking sector
Foreign trade
- Imports - Exports
- Main supply sources
- Main export clients
- Primary sector
Secondary sector
Tertiary sector
Manufacturing Industries
Social and cultural developments
Presentation of the country
- Distances
Neighbouring countries
Principal cities
Ethnic composition
Political Organization
Official language
Business trips
Transport arrangements
- links with Europe
Useful business addresses
Cost : 1000 Euros per country
Contact: Marc Wilson: ecib@ecib.com
Learn to use Internet (companies, schools, universities, local communities...)
- The distinguishing feature of our Chamber is that it works almost entirely via the Internet .
95% of our contacts, advisory services, training, information... are all provided with the help of the Internet.
Right from its creation, the Chamber has developed around the Internet.
The Internet medium has become primary language, and the keyboard has become our tongue.
That is why we are well equipped to provide you an efficacious Internet training, with TWO objectives:
- Provide you with the basics to enable you to move around the Internet,
Motivate you for exploring the Internet even farther.
We offer you our training at your own location.
The training covers both theoretical and practical aspects and will be based on the following FIVE points:
1- A bit of history
2- What is Internet?
3- Accessing the Internet
4- Application - Manipulation
5- Become an Internet expert
Our training spans THREE hours at your location.
It can be attended by a maximum of 3 people.
Cost: 200 Euros to be paid in advance (+ transport expenses).
Contact : Marc Wilson: ecib@ecib.com
Become a "Search Wizard", Internet specialist for the International Trade
Become a "Search Wizard", Internet specialist for the International Trade.
- The distinguishing feature of our Chamber is that it works essentially via the Internet .
95% of our contacts, advisory services, training, information... are all provided with the help of Internet.
Right from its creation, the Chamber has developed around the Internet.
The Internet medium has become our mother tongue.
That is why we are well equipped to provide you an efficacious specialist training.
We offer you this training at your own place, no need for you to travel!
The objective of our "Search Wizard" training is to provide you with a search logic so that you become very soon capable of finding on your own on the Internet all the information you need.
Our 40 hours training includes a bit of theory (Internet philosophy, psychological preparation for a better grasp of the media...) and lots of practical exercises. The training can be spread over a month and can be followed by a group of 3 persons.
Also included, Phone or E-mail support for a period of 30 days following the training.
Cost: 8750 USD to be paid in advance + travel expenses.
Contact : Marc Wilson : ecib@ecib.com
Creating a Movie (publicity, institutional, documentary, etc.)
You are interested in creating a movie (publicity, institutional, documentary, etc.) about your company, product, region, or country for Europeans. Tell us who is the target you want to reach with this movie and we will do our best to reach it.
Contact: Georges Bauer ecib@ecib.com
E.C.I.B. European Chamber of International Business
e-mail : ecib@ecib.com |